Monday, April 3, 2017

A new story to be made!

As I'm finishing typing out my second novella, the familiar imagery present before every one of my works has again come. I didn't expect it so soon after completing a story but none-the-less, its something worth paying attention to. My next story is going to shift a focus from demons and ghouls to the most vile villains in all of history; namely human beings. For it is my exact opinion that people have by far committed the very worst sorts of crimes so it is only natural for me to start paying that fact a little credence.
Because the story is only in it's brooding stages, I expect a lot of changes to be made in regards to the outcome of it as a whole. But, I'm expecting this particular story to be one of my most ambitious. I've decided to name it 'Honors Among Vermin'.

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