Friday, February 28, 2020

Continuing on with 'Bruja'

I've been keeping myself busy working on my new Novella "Bruja: The Origins of Marta Salazar". As with all of my works, the direction of the story has been a complete mystery to me since I first put my pen to paper. Yet, as with all of them, the direction of the story has been nothing less than inspirational. Of course, there's always what seems like minor setbacks. For instance, I had a terrible case of writer's block during the first two months so far. But, the more I prod along, the easier it has been for me to piece together each aspect of this particular tale. I believe I'm going to section this story into three parts. So far, the first piece deals with Marta's introduction to the Occult and to her introduction with the demon E'ferries. As far as the second part goes, I've yet to wonder....