Saturday, June 25, 2011

True to the cause of Horror!

I'm pretty sure that every writer that has ever lived ran out of ideas at some point in their writing career. No one can keep making up decent material forever. How perfect of a world we would live in if that was the case. I'm pretty sure it is because of that terrible fact, that writers of every genre venture into other genre's that are completely foreign to the ones they specialize in. For instance, Edgar Allen Poe actually tried his hand at detective stories, and H.P. Lovecraft wrote science fiction as well as Horror stories. I don't know, maybe I'm just an old-fashioned fanatic, but I don't see myself writing under any other genre. I guess it's the only genre that can actually identify with. I really don't feel anything when I read any drama, or comedy, or romantic works. When I read, or especially when I write, horror stories I can truly feel the desolation included with the themes of it. Perhaps that is the main reason why I shall write only horror, forever!

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